Barnhill Contracting Company Hosts Safety Stand-Down with Visit from NCDOL Commissioner, Josh Dobson
May 6, 2022May 2nd – 6th is recognized across the country as the National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls in construction. Fatalities by falls continue to be a leading cause of death in the industry. Participation in this week raises needed awareness and encourages important conversations. Barnhill Contracting Company and many others have spent the week sharing relevant toolbox talks, providing trainings and stand-downs at multiple job sites throughout the state.
On Wednesday, May 4th, Barnhill hosted a notable stand-down at their project site for 400H in Raleigh, NC. This project will be a 20-story, 365,000 square foot vertical mixed-use building, planned to be complete next year. Hard-working Barnhill employees and subcontractors paused their work on this project that day to take their stand for fall prevention, along with many from the North Carolina Department of Labor (NCDOL). Attendees totaled about 50 including Barnhill speakers, White Cap Supply representatives, as well as special guest, NCDOL Commissioner, Josh Dobson. Dobson’s speech came from the heart as he spoke about the importance of safety to him personally, coming from a past of working in prison security.
The day began with an opening speech from Barnhill’s Corporate Director of Safety, Junior Godwin, followed by Superintendent Ken Powell. Powell then introduced Mr. Dobson and the speeches concluded with Barnhill’s Vice President of the Commercial Services Division, Randy Fichera. White Cap Supply provided fall protection training in English and Spanish before lunch by the Wicked Links Food Truck. The event ended with a project site walk-through of 400H.
“I want to thank Barnhill Contracting for partnerships like these,” said Dobson. “We have a long history of collaboration with Barnhill, from formal partnership agreements to safety awards. Proactive events like these help us reach our ultimate goal of ensuring that all workers go home safely to their families at the end of the workday.”